

One of the most under used and least appreciated categories of dry flies is a terrestrial. NOT at DFI. We understand the importance of this bug in the food chain, and we tie them with perfect life-like silhouettes and body parts. We can’t tell you how many times one of these patterns has turned a tough day of fishing into a net full of fish. DFI terrestrials are some of the most productive “Searcher” bugs on the planet!

Blue Damsel

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Never, for the rest of your life, show up at a lake or slow-moving river without a DFI Blue Damsel. Fished tight against the grass line or off the edge of lily pads, this bug will attract a crowd of fish; and when they find it, you'll experience some of the most explosive takes in dry fly fishing. Fish it slow, slightly twitching the bug. Size: 14 2XL, down-eye hook.

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