

The “Tantalizer®” Series of emergers may be the most significant breakthrough in dry fly fishing in years. This fly has tested magnificently over every species of trout at every elevation. It is a super fly that was so successful we featured the Pink Tantalizer in a video we shot on the South Fork of the Snake River last fall. Note: Sizes are 18 and 16; Pink has an additional size 14.

Humpilator Series

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The ultimate offspring of the old-style humpy abdomen and the down-wing hair pattern of a stimulator! It's a porky morsel that can be fished in all water conditions. You can't sink him, and you can't keep fish from eating him. Another extremely fun tie that will catch you a ton of fish when there are no fish feeding at the surface. Toss him to holding water and get ready for the EXPLOSION!! Tying session for the Olive Brown with recipes for Squirrel, Black, Brown, Golden, Gray, Orange, PMD, Yellow, Black Gold Hardback, and Halloween Hardback.

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