Ashton Area
June 12-17, 2023
Temperature: 70°; 68°; 70°; 65°; 60°; 55°
Weather: Overcast and sun then the normal late afternoon thunderstorm; Mostly cloudy; Partly cloudy then rain late; Mostly sunny morning; cloudy afternoon; Overcast; Heavy clouds, rain on and off
Wind: Mild breeze mostly downriver; Moderate upriver breeze; Hard wind upriver; Moderate breeze upriver; Wind Downriver 10 MPH; Wind upriver 20 MPH
Flow: 2000cfs; 1920cfs; 2010cfs; 2130cfs; 2120cfs; 2070
Flies that Caught Fish:
#16 Olive Brown Meathead Caddis
#16 Tan Rippin’ Lips Caddis
#16 PMD Searcher
#16 BWO Comparadun
#16 Green Butt Caddis (Specialty fly)
#16 Flav Searcher