Green River (Fontenelle, Wyoming) 7/15/2024

Temperature: 80° Weather: Cloudy with a short rainstorm Wind: Hard wind around 3 PM downriver Flow: 1110cfs Flies that Caught Fish: #16 Pink Tantalizer #16 Light Mahogany Convertible

Green River (Fontenelle, Wyoming) 7/14/2024

Temperature: 84° Weather: Cloudy with a short rainstorm Wind: Hard wind around 3 PM downriver Flow: 1110cfs Flies that Caught Fish: #16 Pink Tantalizer #16 Olive Brown Meathead Caddis

Green River (Fontenelle, Wyoming) 7/13/2024

Temperature: 94° Weather: Sunny Wind: Hard wind downriver starting around noon and lasting until 8 PM Flow: 1080cfs Flies that Caught Fish: #16 Pink Tantalizer #16 Olive Brown Meathead Caddis

Green River (Fontenelle, Wyoming) 7/12/2024

Temperature: 94° Weather: Sunny Wind: Hard wind downriver starting around noon and lasting until 8 PM Flow: 1080cfs Flies that Caught Fish #16 Green River Sally #18 Olive Brown Emperor […]