Hebgen Lake, MT (8/7/2024)

Temperature: 73° Weather: Partly cloudy Wind: Stiff breeze up reservoir Flies that Caught Fish: #16 Callibaetis Tantalizer #16 Blue Damsel

Hebgen Lake, MT (8/6/2024)

Temperature: 73° Weather: Sunny early then cloudy Wind: Stiff breeze in late afternoon Flies that Caught Fish: #16 Olive Brown Meathead Caddis #16 Callibaetis Tantalizer

Green River (Fontenelle, Wyoming) 7/17/2024

Temperature: 80° Weather: Sunny early then clouds and afternoon showers Wind: Mild breeze both up and downriver Flow: 984cfs Flies that Caught Fish: #16 Olive Brown Meathead Caddis #18 Callibaetis […]