Temperature: 75°
Weather: Sunny
Wind: Moderate breeze upriver
Flow: 956cfs (and dropping!)
Flies that Caught Fish:
#18 Pink No Hackle
#16 Pink Tantalizer
#16 Olive Brown Meathead Caddis
#16 BWO Comparadun
Flies for this time of year:
- #18 and #16 Pink Tantalizer (this may be the No. 1 fly on the river right now)
- #18 Pink No Hackle (as often happens with a no hackle, this fly pattern becomes more and more productive as the wings begin to shred. To a fish, it looks like a dead, mutilated piece of insect meat and that appearance is very attractive).
- #18 Pink Convertible (this fly has produced some fish both in the adult look and by teasing down the wings to a spent spinner).
- #18 Pink Comparadun and #18 PMD Comparadun (these patterns will have their moments of success, but to a lesser degree than the hatching form of the insect).
When the flav hatch shows in early evening, there are two sure-fire bug choices:
- #16 BWO Comparadun
- #16 Flav Searcher
- #18 Olive Brown Emperor Caddis
- #16 Olive Brown Meathead Caddis (this is a special tie at $60/dozen)
- #14 Big-Ass Caddis (another special tie at $48/dozen); this pattern will be productive until mid-November.
- #16 Peacock Adams Caddis (I like this fly in the fast riffle water; it’s easy for both you and the fish to see).