Debbie Brumley

Temperature: 80° Weather: Cloudy with a little rain Wind: Moderate wind in all directions Flow: 973cfs Flies that...

Temperature: 80° Weather: Cloudy with a short rainstorm Wind: Hard wind around 3 PM downriver Flow: 1110cfs Flies...

Temperature: 84° Weather: Cloudy with a short rainstorm Wind: Hard wind around 3 PM downriver Flow: 1110cfs Flies...

Temperature: 94° Weather: Sunny Wind: Hard wind downriver starting around noon and lasting until 8 PM Flow: 1080cfs...

Temperature: 94° Weather: Sunny Wind: Hard wind downriver starting around noon and lasting until 8 PM Flow: 1080cfs...

Temperature: 91° Weather: Sunny Wind: Hard wind late afternoon Flow: 1080cfs Flies that Caught Fish: #18 PMD No...

Temperature: 91° Weather: Sunny with clouds in afternoon Wind: Light wind both up and downriver Flow: 1080cfs Flies...

Temperature: 85° Weather: Mostly sunny Wind: Light wind both up and downriver Flow: 1080cfs Flies that Caught Fish:...

Temperature: 75° Weather: Sunny Wind: 10 MPH upriver Flow: 1240cfs Flies that Caught Fish: #16 SMTA Caddis (Specialty...

Temperature: 83° Weather: Mostly sunny Wind: Stiff breeze upriver Flow: 768cfs Flies that Caught Fish: #12 Beetle #18...


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