Debbie Brumley

Temperature: 80° Weather: Partly cloudy Wind: Mild breeze down reservoir Flies that Caught Fish: #16 Olive Brown Meathead...

Temperature: 82° Weather: Mostly sunny Wind: Mild breeze in all directions Flies that Caught Fish: #16 Olive Brown...

Temperature: 74° Weather: Mostly sunny Wind: Mild breeze in all directions Flies that Caught Fish: #16 Olive Brown...

Temperature: 85° Weather: Heavy overcast mixed with smoke Wind: Wind less than 10 MPH Flow: 1200cfs Flies that...

Temperature: Ranged between 80°-85° Weather: Variable weather, mostly sunny but one nice rainstorm Wind: Wind in all directions...

Temperature: 74° Weather: Partly cloudy Wind: Mild breeze in all directions Flow: 524cfs Flies that Caught Fish: #16/#18...

Temperature: 68° Weather: Cloudy then rain, hail, thunder, and lightning Wind: Wind in all directions Flow: 550cfs Flies...

Temperature: 68° Weather: Cloudy then rain, hail, thunder, and lightning Wind: Wind in all directions Flow: 550cfs Flies...

Temperature: 82° Weather: Partly cloudy with a sprinkle of rain Wind: Stiff breeze upriver Flow: 550cfs Flies that...

Temperature: 80° Weather: Sunny early then clouds and afternoon showers Wind: Mild breeze both up and downriver Flow:...


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