Debbie Brumley

Temperature: 84° Weather: Bright sun Wind: Little wind Flow: 1410cfs Flies that Caught Fish: #16 Baetis Tantalizer #16...

Temperature: 70° Weather: Heavy cloud cover until the sun burned through Wind: Wind upriver 10 MPH Flow: 1520cfs...

Temperature: 75° Weather: Heavy cloud cover Wind: Wind 10 MPH upriver Flow: 1520cfs Flies that Caught Fish: #16...

Temperature: 74° Weather: Heavily overcast when not raining; big rainstorm Wind: Wind less than 10 MPH Flow: 1540cfs...

Temperature: 81° Weather: Bright sun Wind: Mild breeze downriver Flow: 5620cfs Flies that Caught Fish: #16 PMD Comparadun...

Temperature: 80° Weather: Bright sunshine all day; zero clouds Wind: Upriver all day 10-15 MPH steady Flow: 272cfs...

Temperature: 70° Weather: Mostly sunny Wind: Hard wind both up and downriver Flow: 5640cfs Flies that Caught Fish:...

Temperature: 64° Weather: Heavily overcast; a little rain Wind: Hard wind both up and downriver Flow: 6000cfs Flies...

Temperature: 68° Weather: Partly cloudy Wind: Mild wind both up and downriver Flow: 5860cfs Flies that Caught Fish:...

Temperature: 75° Weather: Partly cloudy Wind: Both up and downriver Flow: 5820cfs Flies that Caught Fish: #16 Mother’s...


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