Debbie Brumley

Temperature: 91° Weather: Mostly sunny Wind: Hard wind 20 MPH with gusts at 34 MPH upriver Flow: 1380cfs...

Temperature: 83° Weather: Mostly sunny Wind: Mild wind Flow: 1486cfs Flies that Caught Fish: #12 Hatching Green Drake...

Temperature: 75° Weather: Sunny Wind: Little wind Flows: 1380cfs (Ashton); 643cfs (Island Park) Flies that Caught Fish: #12...

Temperature: 67° Weather: Mostly sunny Wind: Little wind Flows: 1380cfs (Ashton); 636cfs (Island Park) Flies that Caught Fish:...

Temperature: 57° Weather: Cloudy with rain showers Wind: Hard wind upriver Flow: 1410cfs Flies that Caught Fish: #18...

Temperature: 57° Weather: Cloudy with rain showers Wind: Hard wind upriver Flow: 1410cfs Flies that Caught Fish: #16...

Temperature: 50° Weather: Heavy overcast all day, rain off and on Wind: Windy Flow: 1240cfs Flies that Caught...

Temperature: 63° Weather: Partly cloudy Wind: Moderate breeze upriver Flow: 1450cfs Flies that Caught Fish: #12 Green Drake...

Temperature: 71° Weather: Partly cloudy Wind: Severe wind at 25 MPH with gusts over 42 MPH Flow: 1440cfs...

Temperature: 84° Weather: Partly cloudy Wind: Stiff breeze upriver Flow: 1570cfs Flies that Caught Fish: #18 Olive Brown...


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